Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Hello everybody!  Today I’m going to talk about gender and the conference of Johanna Blakley “Social media and the end of gender”. In this video, you can see a description about the actual condition of social media, in compare to the old idea of this media. Before, social media and entertainment were based on the idealisation of people according to their age and gender, now is possible see that something have change: Woman are dominating this area. It is not that women decide about what happen in the media companies, but women are increasing their interest in this medias, been the most important user of them. This means, for Johanna, that social media going to be driving for women’s taste.  So, what have this related to the end of gender? For Blakley, this means that woman going to change gender idealization like “chick flick”, finishing the gender categories.

For me, this have nothing relate to gender.  I thing that gender idealisation don’t going to change because there are more women on social media. If we don’t change our idea of gender first, more or less women on this media with the same old patriarchal ideas of gender role, isn’t going to be a difference in the gender role construction. This only means that media companies will be more interested on women’s preference, even increasing these gender categories.

If we really want to change the patriarchal construction of gender roles, we have to start teaching about feminism, not been the dolls of the media companies.  

Here are a video about feminism that start the discussion about it

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