Wednesday 8 October 2014

For most of the people, facebook is a platform for fun. For me is not just that, facebook is also a space of organization. It sound weird, but it allow me a fast contact to many people, that’s makes easier the communication and the organization. When you are in an organization (whatever about) facebook is a fabulous way to show yours ideas, contact other people, etc. It allow you to be informed too. You can read news, articles, opinion and a lot more.

So, I also use facebook for fun, like everyone. Is a perfect way to communicate with friends, especially if they are in other cities or countries. You can learn more about their life and about what they do. Facebook allow you to connect with people with the same pleasures, read different things, play games and listen music. Is a big platform that allow you everything.

My problem with facebook is that your privacy is not safe. Anyone can see your information and photos (still you change the privacy configuration). Much of the time there is not filter, and you can see photos of you that you don’t want on the web, but you cannot erase it because somebody else upload it.

Other thing that I don’t like about facebook is that is so much addictive. You waste time looking “the news” and left others thing without do. Much of the time I have to study but I lost my time on facebook, doing nothing! But I been trying to not open my computer on the week, so I don’t distract me on facebook.  

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