Thursday 24 April 2014

Hi everyone! Today I supposed to write about motivation, so I will talk about whats motivates me in this moment: ending all my tests and works for this and the next week. I have a lot of things to do for the university, that I don't have more time for me. But the good thing is that finishing this wednesday I will have ended with all my university works, so I will have time for me, my boyfriend and friends. That is what really motivame me now!

Only for this week, I did two test and one work. And here I'm not counting the listening test for the English class, fortunately, for this one I didn't need more time for study at home. Next week I have two big test, and I have to read more than 2000 pages for the both.

 I´m so tired right now, I didn't sleep well in all the week. In this moment are the two and a half of the morning and I'm still awake. I really need ending all this evaluations week. I want to go home and take a long break and SLEEP!!

Wednesday 9 April 2014


Hi everyone! Today I'll like to talk about a photo that I like. Is a very simple photo, there is only a dog and my foots. It was taken in 2012 by my best friend, Francisca. We where in Valparaíso making a work for school that consist in a photo album. It was for the elective class "movies and literature". The idea was making a photo album that copy a cinema effect (it was a little rare, because the photo must express the same as a film) and then we wrote a poem with this images. So we spent all the afternoon taking pictures of my foots in differents part of the city. We have a great time making the photo album. I love all the photo of our work, but I chosen this one in specially because I found it more artistic and simple. I thing that the stray dogs of Valparaíso have something special, I don't know what it is, but I can't imagine the city whitout them.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Travel to the North of Chile

Hi everyone! Today I'm going to write abuot a travel expierence. It happened a few years ago, when I was in school. We made a student travel to the north of Chile with all my classmates. We started in ours school in Viña del Mar and a few hours later we were in La Serena. It was the FIFA world cup time, so we saw the Chile- España game in the mall of that city. When the game was over, we went to Vicuña, a little city near La Serena that have a very beautiful sky observatory. Next day we were all the time in the bus, because we have to travel till San Pedro de Atacama. We only did a few stop to eat in little places. We waked up the next day when the bus was getting into the town. This place was one of my favorite in the tour, because all the tourist place around there. We went to the Salar de Atacama and saw a lot of flamingos. Also we went to the Valle de la Luna and the Geyser del Tatio. Than we travel to Iquique, we visit the historical places of that city and the ZOFRI. At night we camped in a place distant to the city, it was so cold, but have a very natural environment. The last place we visit was de nacional park Pan de Azucar, in the return trip. The last of that day was a long bus time.